is a berlin based designer aesthetically exploring natural, social and technological systems and processes. He is oscillating between free collaborations, commissioned work and sporadic academic involvements.
Patrick was born in Stuttgart, Germany in 1977. He studied Communication Design at Merz Akademie, Stuttgart and graduated in 2003 on the topic of ‘The Aesthetics of Adaptive Systems’.
Since October 2012 he is a Visiting Professor at the University of the Arts, Berlin.
Since 2012 he is part of the design collective SYNTOP.
Since 2010 Patrick is part of the artists collective theanxiousprop.
From 2008 to 2012 he was founder/partner in the spatial, media-related design practice The Product in Berlin.
From 2006 to 2009 Patrick was teaching Computational Design at the Interface Design programme of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.
From 2003 to 2008 he was working as Art Director for new media company Art+Com in Berlin.
From time to time Patrick is giving workshops on various design-related topics at institutions like Copenhagen Institute of Interation Design, HfG Karlsruhe, FH Potsdam, UNSW College of Fine Arts Sydney. Some of his works has been exhibited internationally and won quite a few awards.
2012 Alternative Online Shop – Designing Economics, HfG Karlsruhe, Germany
2011 Aesthetic Potential of Computational Processes, CIID, Copenhagen, Denmark
2011 Rube Goldberg Processor, HfG Karlsruhe, Germany
2011 The Aesthetics of Generative Design, CIID, Copenhagen, Denmark
2010 Introduction to Computational Design, CIID, Copenhagen, Denmark
2008 Computational Design Workshop, CIID, Copenhagen, Denmark
2007 Playfulness in Interactive Media, HfG Karlsruhe, Germany
2006 Input, Output and Things in Between, UNSW College of Fine Arts, Sydney, Australia
2005 WO - Verortung von virtuellen und realen Orten’ an der Merz Akademie Stuttgart
2005 Tools for Computational Design, FH Potsdam, Germany
2005 Module 1 - Interconnecting Code, Merz Akademie Stuttgart, Germany
2011 Sol, Annual Multimedia Award Gold
2011 Pendel, iF communication design award
2009 Kinetische Skulptur, Cannes Lions, Gold
2009 Kinetische Skulptur, Ars Electronica, Honorary Mention
2009 Kinetische Skulptur, D&AD, Gold
2009 Kinetische Skulptur, ADC Europe, 2x Gold
2006 The Science of Aliens, Art Directors Club, Silber
2006 Das neue Österreich, iF communication design award, Gold
2006 Das neue Österreich, reddot design award
2006 Das neue Österreich, Art Directors Club, Bronze
2006 documenta mobil, Art Directors Club, Bronze
2005 documenta mobil, iF communication design award
2005 O2 Flagship Store, reddot design award
2005 O2 Flagship Store, iF communication design award
2005 Floating.Numbers, Art Directors Club, Silber
2004 Floating.Numbers, reddot design award
2004 Floating.Numbers, iF communication design award, Gold
2011 Sol, Here Comes the Sun, Berlin
2011 Anxious Prop Case 4, Stattbad Wedding, Berlin
2011 Wunder, Deichtorhallen Hamburg
2010 Sol, Here Comes the Sun, Dortmund
2010 LAC Toolkit, Locate Me, Haus Bethanien, Berlin
2010 Hits mit Bits, Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin
2010 Game Milestones, Permanent Exhibition in the Computer Game Museum Berlin
2010 Anxious Prop Case 3, Salon Populaire, Berlin
2009 Snow Play, Transmediale event at c-base, Berlin
2009 Die Quelle, Level Green, VW Autostadt, Wolfsburg
2009 Schau Mal: Die Ladestraße entdecken, Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin, Germany
2009 The Turtle Two, Becks Gold Urban Experience, Berlin, Hamburg, Munich
2008 Tennisfreunde Berliin, In the streets of Vilnius, Lithuania